New Music

Listen: Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys – Bite My Tongue

readyforboredomWe said that Crawlspace was done for the year, but then this happened. It’s the first publicly available track from the new Bed Wettin’ Bad Boys LP, which releases January 14 through R.I.P. Society records. I’ve had the actual record for a couple of weeks now and it’s rather bloody incredible, probably the first pure rock record I’ve listened to three times a day and from start to finish, since… I can’t even remember. Probably either the Circle Pit record or the Guided By Voices best-of.

‘Bite My Tongue’ is pretty representative of the spirit of Ready For Boredom: it’s a song about learning restraint and, by extension, growing up a bit. This record kinda hugs you like a warm blanket but also kicks you in the arse a little bit for being a loafer. It will become very important to you.

We have a full interview with the band going up when we return in January. In the meantime, listen to the track and stare at the launch tour dates.

January Sat 19, Brisbane, The Primitive
January Fri 25, Melbourne, John Curtin
January Sun 27, Adelaide, The Metro
February Fri 1, Sydney, The Square
February Sun 3, Newcastle, TBC


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